1 Kings 19:7-17
Is 40:3-5
John 1:23 John quoting Elijah
Go to the mountain in prayer to
seek the presence of God and
stay there until you encounter
While Elijah was in the mountain,
first came the Wind - why?
Ps 148:8 it controls the seasons
(as in the physical so in the spiritual)
Ps 104:4 it is the messenger of God
2 Sam 22:11 it is the carrier of God
1 Kings 19:11 it breaks up
Job 37:21 it cleans up
Job 27:21 it relocates
This same Wind will blow in the blessings
from God
The wind of God blew in the locusts to
convince Pharaoh to release the Israelites,
that same wind blew away the locusts when
Pharaoh released the Israelites
Second came the Earthquake
that will shake what is within you to
open up what needs to be removed by God
and allow what has been hidden deep
to be revealed John 15:16
Third came the Fire
to purify
to bring holiness Ex 3:2-5
to empower Acts 2:3
Stay on the mountain until you get
the answer from God
1 Kings 19:1-13
Jehovah Jireh is found at Mount Horeb
(The mountain of the Lord where our
needs will be met)
When you go to the mountain of God you
will come back a different person