Author Archives: George Ndegwa

05/20 Bible Study (George)

**NEHEMIAH 9: 26-31**


1. When you read verses 26 – 31 what is the main attributes you find about

a] The *Children* of Israel

b] The *God* of Israel


2. In the above verses, just as in many other scriptures (especially the book of judges) we find a familiar pattern. The people sin- they become oppressed by their enemies-they cry to God- and the merciful God rescues them.

a) Why do you think people go back to their sins even when they know judgment is coming?

b) How can we break this cycle of sin in our lives.


3. According to verse 29, even when God testified against the people, the aim was always to bring them back to Him. How can we, as believers, partner with God to bring the prodigals home?


Rom 7:21-23;8:2
Gal 5:17
2 Cor 4:4
Ps 103:7
Rom 12:2
1 Pet 5:8
Matt 7:14
Gal 5:24-26
Jam 4:7
1 John 2:15-17
Rom 13:14
Gal 5:19-24
Matt 6:24
Rev 3:16
Rom 15:1
Matt 25:35-40

04/28 Zoom Prayers (George)

Ps 103:1-2;28:7;34:1;37:4
"Victory Belongs to Jesus - Todd Dulaney"
John 14:16-18;16:13-15
Rom 8:11
"Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli"
Heb 4:12
Deut 28:1-14
Ps 103:13
Matt 7:11
"You're a Good, Good Father - Chris Tomlin"
Ps 127:3
Is 54:13
Jer 29:11

04/09 Zoom Prayers (George)

"Take All The Praise" Eben
Ps 150:6
Deut 4:29-31
2 Chron 7:17
"Elohim" MOG Music
"Healer" Kari Jobe
Ia 41:10
Pro 16:9
"See A Victory" Elevation
2 Pet 1:3, 5-8