Author Archives: Pastor Tony

God Calls – He Equips

Jeremiah 1:4-10  Jeremiah is called by God
Ex 3:11-12  Moses is called by God
Ex 4:1,10,13 Moses still arguing with God about his calling
Judges 6:20-34 Gideon is called

Calling Those Things That Are Not As If They Are

Rom 4:16-17, 10:17
Gen 13:16, 15:6, 17:15-17
Heb 11:1
Ps 12:6
Eph 1:11
Jer 29:11

Joy – Part 2

Is 53:6
Ps 107:1-2, 43, 112:2-3
Heb 4:15

Having a Clear Vision – Catherine Makerecha

Mark 8:22-26; Eph 1:17-19 (The Message); Gen 15:1-6; 27:1; Ps 119:18, 99, 105, 130; Pro 29:18 (The Message); John 8:32; Luke 11:34, 24:45; 1 Sam 3:1-10; Deut 34:7; Matt 13:16; 2 Kings 6:16-17

Choose Joy

Flourishing – Part 2

Planted in the House of the Lord
Ps 92:12-14; 1:3, 37:5; Jer 29:7, 11; Joshua 1:1-9; Prov 16:3, 3:5-6; Phil 1:21; John 15:1-8; Jer 29:7

Flourishing – part 1

After the message, prayers over Margaret Gathuni (Mamma Elizabeth) & family relocating to Kansas City and for Hanna returning to Kenya – Hanna also blessed us with a song

Kingdom Mentality – Part 1

The Importance of Embracing the Kingdom of God (Part 1)

Gifts of The Spirit – Pst. James Wainaina Makerecha

Intro by Pst Tony; Preface by a word from Charles Makerecha and Mrs Suzanna Makerecha

What’s Your Score? – Pst James Wainaina Makerecha / Update on Donations to Widows in Njoro – Suzanna Makerecha

Intro by Joe Wang’an’ga

Pst Tony Makerecha’s parents and brother from Njoro, near Nakuru, Kenya