Ps 34:1-7 Prov 18:10 Ezek 37:1-14 Rom 4:17 Jer 1:11-12,23:29 Is 61:3,7 Joel 2:28 Is 49:18;65:23 Pro 22:6 John 14:12-14
Ps 34:1-7 Prov 18:10 Ezek 37:1-14 Rom 4:17 Jer 1:11-12,23:29 Is 61:3,7 Joel 2:28 Is 49:18;65:23 Pro 22:6 John 14:12-14
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Job 19:25-27 Ps 107:2 Ezek 37:4,9,14 Jer 22:29 Job 22:28 Ps 70:1-5 Is 54:17 2 Cor 10:4-5 Ps 23:5-6,20:1-9 ----- In Memory of Auntie Irene ----- 2 Cor 1:3-4 Heb 12:1 Ps 116:15 Rev 14:13 2 Cor 5:6-8
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"Glorious God - Elijah Oyelade" Ps 105:1-2,106:1-2 Rev 2:4-5 Is 1:2 John 3:16 Josh 1:8 1 Chron 12:32 Hagg 2:6-9 Rom 13:1 James 5:13-15 Prov 9:10 Hagg 2:21-22 Ps 33:10-12
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Ps 46:1-11;18:1-3 "Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus" Is 40:29-31 Prov 3:5-6 Eph 3:16-17 Luke 24:49 Acts 2:1-4;10:38 Matt 9:36-38
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Ps 103:1-2;28:7;34:1;37:4 "Victory Belongs to Jesus - Todd Dulaney" John 14:16-18;16:13-15 Rom 8:11 "Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli" Heb 4:12 Deut 28:1-14 Ps 103:13 Matt 7:11 "You're a Good, Good Father - Chris Tomlin" Ps 127:3 Is 54:13 Jer 29:11
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1 Kings 18:44 Gen 50:20 Ps 122:1 Rom 11:36 1 Kings 19:4;17:1-16
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1 Tim 1:17 "We Give You Glory Lord - Kaleho" Ps 40:1-2 "Jesus You Are Able - Ada" Ps 40:3 Is 43:1-3
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Ps 100:1-5 Josh 3:1-17 EX 14:15-16 Rev 1:6 Ps 32:8-9 Is 55:8-9 Ps 25:4-5 Is 42:16 Num 9:15-22 Is 52:12 2 Chron 7:14 Joel 2:25-29
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Prov 8:17 Ps 66:4, 99:9 Rev 4:10 Ex 23:25-26 Jer 30:19 "You Are Great - Steve Crown" Jer 30:17 Is 38:16-17 John 11:17-22 Rev 9:20-21 Ezek 22:30
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"To Worship You I live - Israel & New Breed" Ps 143:1-12 1 Kings 1:50-51,53 Gen 38:27-30 1 Tim 2:1-2 2 Sam 5:20 1 Chron 14:11
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