Category Archives: Prayer Time

04/13 Zoom Prayers (Pst Tony/Kimotho)

Ps 143:1
1 Jn 5:14-15
Phil 4:6
Ps 100:4-5
"Our Confidence is in the Lord - Noel & Tricia Richards"
Ps 61:3
Rom 15:1
Ps 102:16-21

04/11 Zoom Prayers (Catherine)

Ps 46:1-11
"No Longer Slaves - Jonathan David and Melissa Helser"
Ps 34:7-9
Ps 32:7
Es 4:14-16
Dan 9:2-23
Num 21:4-9
Is 45:22
Ps 121:2-8


04/10 Zoom Prayers – Good Friday (Shirley)

Mark 10:33-34
Col 2:15
Is 41:10
John 14:1
Luke 12:22
Eph 2:8
Col 1:13-14,4:2
John 11:25
Rom 1:4
Heb 12:1-3
1 Pet 2:24
Is 53:4-5
"At The Cross" Chris Tomlin
Ps 34:15, 17
Ps 133:1-3
John 11:25-26

04/09 Zoom Prayers (George)

"Take All The Praise" Eben
Ps 150:6
Deut 4:29-31
2 Chron 7:17
"Elohim" MOG Music
"Healer" Kari Jobe
Ia 41:10
Pro 16:9
"See A Victory" Elevation
2 Pet 1:3, 5-8

04/07 Zoom Prayers (Monicah)

Usikiaye Maombi - Kathy Praise 
Ps 75:1
Ps 145:3
Power In Prayer - 11th Hour
1 Sam 1:12-17
Phil 4:6-7
Matt 11:28-30

04/06 Zoom Prayers (James)

No Other God  - Nathaniel Bassey & LoveSong
John 14:1
Ps 68:19
Ex 14:13-14
Jer 33:3
Raise A Hallelujah - Jonathan and Melissa Helser 
Mark 11:22-24
Rom 13:1-5
Is 66:8

04/04 Zoom Prayers (Kimotho)

[no recording from this session - sorry]
Ps 136:1-9
Ps 103:2-4
Is 40:1-2
2 Chron 16:9
Is 40:28-31
Ps 91:1
Is 41:10
Eph 6:11-16
Ps 91:7
Is 26:3
Pa 91:11
Pa 33:16-20

04/03 Zoom Prayers (Leah)

PS 51:10
Ex 33:15
Ps 40:3,2,5
Is 43:1-2

meeting ID=856 143 4988

Zoom Meeting

04/02 Zoom Prayers (Sam Ndungu)

"Bow Down and Worship Him" Benjamin Dube

[no recording of our prayer session - tech glitch - sorry]
Luke 6:12
Ps 51:10,17
Jer 24:7
Job 22:27-28
Ps 42:1
Ps 63:1-2
Is 26:3
Ps 112:7
Zech 4:6
Ps 91:14-15
Rom 12:2
Matt 5:6
Matt 7:&
Is 55:11
Jer 18:6

meeting ID=856 143 4988

Zoom Meeting

03/31 Zoom Prayers (Shirley)

Matt 6:33
2 Chron 7:14
Ezek 22:30
Ps 106:23
1 Pet 5:8
Is 40:31
Ps 31:24
Ps 55:22
Ps 18:6
Ps 120:1
Ps 59:1
Ps 16:1
Ps 91:1-7
Rom 1:7
2 Cor 5:7
Ps 23:1

meeting ID=856 143 4988

Zoom Meeting