Ps 143:1 1 Jn 5:14-15 Phil 4:6 Ps 100:4-5 "Our Confidence is in the Lord - Noel & Tricia Richards" Ps 61:3 Rom 15:1 Ps 102:16-21
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Ps 143:1 1 Jn 5:14-15 Phil 4:6 Ps 100:4-5 "Our Confidence is in the Lord - Noel & Tricia Richards" Ps 61:3 Rom 15:1 Ps 102:16-21
Posted in Prayer Time
Ps 46:1-11 "No Longer Slaves - Jonathan David and Melissa Helser" Ps 34:7-9 Ps 32:7 Es 4:14-16 Dan 9:2-23 Num 21:4-9 Is 45:22 Ps 121:2-8
Posted in Prayer Time
Gen 16, 21 Sarah was righteous yet unrewarded Hagar was faithful yet betrayed *God Who sees *God Who hears *God Who comes to fulfill His promises God instructs, guides, encourages, assures, and fulfills promises
Posted in Ladies Meeting
Mark 10:33-34 Col 2:15 Is 41:10 John 14:1 Luke 12:22 Eph 2:8 Col 1:13-14,4:2 John 11:25 Rom 1:4 Heb 12:1-3 1 Pet 2:24 Is 53:4-5 "At The Cross" Chris Tomlin Ps 34:15, 17 Ps 133:1-3 John 11:25-26
Posted in Prayer Time
"Take All The Praise" Eben Ps 150:6 Deut 4:29-31 2 Chron 7:17 "Elohim" MOG Music "Healer" Kari Jobe Ia 41:10 Pro 16:9 "See A Victory" Elevation 2 Pet 1:3, 5-8
Posted in Prayer Time
Led by Pastor Patrick Kariuki
” All i need is You ” Kim Walker Jesus Culture
Read Verse 1-3 *OBSERVATION* [ What I See]
Use verse to assign *True* or *False* to the following observations.
a) Not many people gathered to hear Ezra read the law because many were already tired from building the wall _________________
b) All that gathered together were people who could understand the law of Moses that Ezra was to read ____________________
c) Though Ezra read the law for a long time, the people were attentive and patient _____________________
Read verse 4-9 *EXPLANATION* [ What I Think]
2. According to verse 5, Ezra opened the law of Moses to read it and according to verse 7, selected men helped to interpret/teach the law. Explain ways in which we can help people in our Churches, Bible Studies and Community to understand the word of God __________________
3. According to verse 9 Nehemiah was the *Political* leader, Ezra the *Spiritual* leader and the Levites the *Teachers*. We are One Body, different members. We are __United_in_Diversity_ Why do you think God made us different yet he wants us to work together? _____________
Read verse 10-12 *APPLICATION*[What I Do]
4. Verse 10 informs us that the Joy of the Lord is our strength. Happiness comes from God’s Blessings while Joy comes from God’s Presence. In other words, Happiness is an Emotion, while Joy is fruit of the Spirit. A person who does *not* know the Lord can be Happy but cannot be truly Joyful. The strength mentioned here is not physical, but rather spiritual might How can we increase the level of Joy today, in the chaos and uncertainties of COVID-19? ___________
Luke 6:17 Eph 1:18-19, 4:11-12 1 Cor 12:11 Hab 3:17-19 Phil 4:4-8
Posted in Bible Study
Usikiaye Maombi - Kathy Praise Ps 75:1 Ps 145:3 Power In Prayer - 11th Hour 1 Sam 1:12-17 Phil 4:6-7 Matt 11:28-30
Posted in Prayer Time
No Other God - Nathaniel Bassey & LoveSong John 14:1 Ps 68:19 Ex 14:13-14 Jer 33:3 Raise A Hallelujah - Jonathan and Melissa Helser Mark 11:22-24 Rom 13:1-5 Is 66:8
Posted in Prayer Time