God Who Works Behind the Scene

Intro by Pst Tony

Usikiaye Maombi (Kathy Praise) on YouTube
Isaiah 65:24
Ps 65:11
Isaiah 43:19

Seek First The Lord

2 Chron 11:1-17, 12:1-7
Matt 6:33
Heb 9:27
2 Chron 18:6, 27
Eph 6:7-8
1 Cor 15:58

In 2020 Delight Yourself in The Lord

(no recording)
Luke 10:40-42 Like Mary
Matt 6:33
Prov 23:17-18, 10:24
Ps 37:4, 68:19
Eph 3:20
Is 61:1
Eccl 12:13-14

New Years Eve

Pastor Ricardo Brambila of Primera Iglesia Bautista Mexicana (building destroyed by tornado in Oct


Prayer of Faith – Dr. Joel Muchuki

Acts 19:15
1 Sam 7:1-14
James 4:3, 5:15-16
Ps 66:18
Is 59:1-2
Heb 9:22

Pastor Appreciation Sunday

Albert Kimotho, MC

Spiritual Warfare

Giving Yourself Away Unselfishly

1 Kings 17:1-16
Matt 6:24-25

Worthy To Be Trusted

Pushing the Purposes of the Lord – Catherine Makerecha

Be a chicken, don't be an ostrich

Luke 2:36-38
Luke 2:22
1 Peter 1:7
1 Cor 3:9
Luke 18:1-8
Is 6:8
Ezek 22:30
Is 62:6-7
Job 39:13-16
Ex 1:15-21