Luke 5:17-25; Mark 2:2-12 - Story of paralyzed man brought by
4 friends and lowered through the roof to be healed by Jesus;
religious leaders sitting close to Jesus question His actions
Matt 23:3-6 Don't be like the religious acting people
Matt 13:44-46 The Kingdom of God is like....
Ps 34:15
Matt 6:9-13
Story of the Prodigal Son
Gen 5:1-3 Children created in the image of their father
The Word of God is God speaking to you
Gen 1:3,6,11,14-15 When God created things He spoke to the
ground, sky, waters
Gen 1:26 When God created man He spoke to Himself -- each
human is unique
Is 1:26 - Everlasting Father
Heb 9:14 - Our consciences are cleansed and He speaks to us
through our consciences
Eph 1:4 - God is our foundation
Heb 12:2 - God is our author
Ps 115:16 - The earth God gave to men - heaven is God's
Ex 20:7
Ps 103:12
Is 43:2
Jer 29:11
Daniel 2:21
Deut 29:29
1 Sam 1:7, 10-11 (Story of Hannah)
Matt 17:21
Deut 23:21
Gen 45:4-5 (story of Joseph)
Jer 1:8, 10
Judges 6:12, 25
1 Sam 1:16, 9:9, 1:13-17
Malachi 3:10
Ps 22:3
Preparing for The Appointed Time:
Pray and Fast (you need a Peninnah in your life to trigger you to
prayer to prepare you for God's appointed time)
Make a vow & keep it
Wait/Trigger by doing your assignment (stories of Jeremiah &
Don't dishonor the Man of God/prophet in your life
Pay your tithe
Praise & Worship God (apologies - early termination in recording)
Jeremiah 1:4-10 Jeremiah is called by God
Ex 3:11-12 Moses is called by God
Ex 4:1,10,13 Moses still arguing with God about his calling
Judges 6:20-34 Gideon is called