Mal 3:16 Ps 105:3 Ps 113:1-9 1 Sam 17:45 Ex 3:14 John 15:10,16 Is 45:5-8 Ps 68:1 Ps 103:1-4 Job 1:21 Col 3:16
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Mal 3:16 Ps 105:3 Ps 113:1-9 1 Sam 17:45 Ex 3:14 John 15:10,16 Is 45:5-8 Ps 68:1 Ps 103:1-4 Job 1:21 Col 3:16
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Matt 22:37-40 Hosea 1:2-9 Hosea 2:2-5,9-13 Dan 4:30-33 1 Cor 4:7 Hosea 2:6 Heb 11:25 Hosea 2:9-15 Rom 8:19
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Eph 5:18 1 Cor 12:7-11 Gal 5:16 Eph 4:26 John 7:37-39 Eph 6:1-9,5:28,3-4,18-28 Gal 5:22-23
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[Intro by Catherine Makerecha]
Is It Possible To Have A Song In The Dark? Miracle of Brother's Song Acts 16:25-33 Ps 40:1-3 Hab 3:17-18
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Eph 5:18 Pro 23:21 1 Cor 6:19-20 James 3:13,15-17 Prov 20:1; 23:31-35 Rom 14:19-21
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1 - Discipline/Judgement/Rebuke 2 - Tests/Trials/Persecution & Suffering 3 - Temptations/Attacks (Spiritual Warfare) God created the angels -- head angels: Lucifer "The Shining One" Gabriel "The Messenger" Michael "The Warrior" Is 14:12-14 Lucifer says "I will...." Luke 10:18-19 Jesus saw Lucifer fall from heaven & we have been given power over him Job 2:1-8 Eph 6:11-13 Ps 119:11 2 Cor 10:4-5 2 Kingss 6:17 1 Pet 5:8-9 James 4:7 Rom 8:37-39 Rev 12:10-12
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Types of "Bad Things" / Trouble -- 1 - Discipline/Judgement/Rebuke 2 - Tests/Trials/Persecution & Suffering <-- reveals your heart 3 - Temptations/Attacks (Spiritual Warfare) Temptations: James 1:13-15 Rom 12:2 1 John 5:18 Matt 4:1-11 Luke 1:80 Heb 4:12;2:18 1 Cor 11:1 Luke 22:40 1 Cor 10:13 1 Tim 6:9 Prov 7
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Types of "Bad Things" / Trouble -- 1 - Discipline/Judgement/Rebuke 2 - Tests/Trials/Persecution & Suffering <-- reveals your heart 3 - Temptations/Attacks (Spiritual Warfare) 1 Thes 3:4-5; 2:2 Acts 9:17 John 1:11 1 Pet 4:12-13 Deut 8:2-3 Ex 20:18-20 Ps 66:8-12 John 15:18-20 1 Pet 4:1-2,6-7,16-19 2 Tim 3:12-13 John 16:2-4 1 Pet 1:6-7 Rom 5:3-5
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Types of "Bad Things" / Trouble -- 1 - Discipline/Judgement/Rebuke 2 - Tests/Trials/Persecution & Suffering 3 - Temptations/Attacks (Spiritual Warfare) Acts 7:42-44 James 1:2-4 Every Trial has a beginning and an ending but in the middle we may lose faith if we haven't developed endurance Rom 12:2 Natural Responses to Trials -- Anger Withdrawal Stress Fear Guilt Remorse 1 Tim 1:15-16 - Gain an accurate pic of our own wretchedness Suffering may reveal about us: Pride eg: Expectation of earthly comfort & blessing How conditional/temporal our love is Sin - true state of our heart True desire to be in control, level of trust in God Reveal how far we have fallen short - how much God is covering Prov 16:18 2 Chron 16:9
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