06/11 Zoom Prayers

[missing segments due to engineer or Zoom error]
Mark 11:25
James 5:16
Is 38:1-5
2 Kings 20:1-6
"Forgiveness - Matthew West"
Ezek 37:1,11-12
"Come Alive/Dry Bones - Lauren Daigle"
Josh 6:1-3
Matt 6:5-13
"Ps 34 - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir"
Jer 29:11

06/10 Bible Study (Neh 12:27-47)

"Take All The Praise - Eben"

** NEHEMIAH 12 :27 – 47 **


1. According to verse 27, which instruments were used for the praise session as the Wall of Jerusalem was dedicated?


2. According to verse 31-38, Nehemiah appointed *two* large thanksgiving choirs to lead the dedication ceremony. Many ceremonies in the Bible, including during Battles, we observe Praise and Music practiced.
What is the *significance* *of* *Praising* / *Worshiping* God especially during difficult moments in life?


3. According to verse 44-47, Temple responsibilities were assigned in an organised manner. We find in other parts of scripture, especially concerning the work of priests, how everything was well organised and orderly. Why do you think *good* *planning* *and* *order* is necessary in the house of God?


4. What is your take away today?

[beginning of study missing due to engineer error]
Neh 12:27-47
Ps 68:1-4;8:2;33:1-3
Phil 4:6-7
Eph 5:19
2 Chron 20:21-22
Josh 6:16,20
Ps 103:20-21
Zeph 3:17
Ps 32:7;22:3
1 Cor 14:26,33,40
Titus 1:10
Gen 1:2,31
2 Tim 1:7

06/09 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

"You Are God All By Yourself - Nathaniel Bassey"
Ps 133:1
Eph 3:20
Gen 2:21-23;3:12
Luke 11:4
Gen 4:6-7
1 Cor 7:17
Eph 4:1-3
Heb 4:13
Luke 17:1-4
Matt 6:14-15
Jer 29:11

09/08 Zoom Prayers (Catherine)

Ps 34:1-5
"10,000 Reasons/Bless The Lord - Matt Redman"
Rom 8:39
2 Kings 13:14-20,24
1 Cor 2:10-12
2 Kings 13:23
Ps 138:8
Pro 16:4
1 Tim 2:1-2
Mark 10:46-47
2 Cor 1:4

06/07 Zoom Church – “Whom/What Shall I Fear”

Ps 113:1-9
"Sing For Joy - Don Moen"
"Glorius - BJ Putnam"
"Wastahili Praise - Israel Ezekia"
"Great Are You Lord - All Sons & Daughters"
"How Great - Covenant Worship"
"Doxology - Binion/Covenant Worship"
2 Kings 6:14-17
1 John 4:18,12-14
Is 41:10;12:2;43:1
Heb 4:15
2 Tim 1:7
Rom 8:28
1 Kings 18:19-46;19:1-18
Job 1:13-22;13:12;2:9-10
Luke 22:42-44
Matt 14:22-31
Luke 18:1-7
"See A Victory" Elevation
James 4:7 
1 Cor 10:13 
Rom 8:15

06/06 Zoom Prayers

Ps 100:1-5
"Such An Awesome God - Maverick City Music"


2 Cor 13:11;5:10
Hab 1:2-5,12-13;2:1-4
Heb 10:35-38
Ps 51:12
Jos 1:9
Ps 119:89
Is 43:2
Hab 2:14
Ps 37:5-7
Heb 1:10-12
Luke 11:9
John 8:44
Is 60:1-2

06/05 Zoom Prayers (Rich)

"Gracefully Broken - Tasha Cobbs Leonard"
Ps 51:10,17;119:9-11
Jos 1:7
Acts 2:1-6
Matt 28:19
Rom 16:1-15 (the females Paul mentioned by name)
Prov 29:18 ESV [Where there is no prophetic vision 
    the people cast off restraint...]
Acts 2:17
Ex 31:3

06/04 Zoom Prayers

Phil 3:20
John 3:16
Deut 6:10-12
Col 2:6-8
"Give Thanks"
Ps 102:15
2 Tim 4:2
Rev 2:4-5
Col 3:15-17

06/02 Zoom with Pastor Job Simiyu “4 Major Pitfalls To Avoid” (part 2)

1. Assumption & Presumption (what is the source of your position?
      Your thoughts/ideas or God's Words)
[message 05/31]
2. Carelessness (not holding onto the Words of God)
[started with message 05/31]
3. Ignorance
1 Pet 5:8 
Matt 26:40-41 
Luke 22:31-32 
John 10:10 
2 Cor 2:11 
Ps 89:22;115:16 
Hos 4:6 
Pro 9:10;1:20 
Rev 2:24 
Luke 13:12-13 
Rom 16:19 
1 Cor 10:23 
Is 5:13 
Luke 13:12,16 
John 8:31-32 
Gen 17:10 
Zech 1:18-20 
John 10:30-38 
Matt 5:6
4. Laziness 
[at a later date]

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, 
Senior Pastor from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

05/31 Pentecost Sunday Church “4 Major Pitfalls To Avoid” Pastor Job Simiyu (part 1)

"Hosanna In The Highest" (Joshua on keyboards)
"Take All The Praise - Eben"
"Turn It Up - PlanetShakers"
"Rejoice - Sinach"
"Jesus - Chris Tomlin"
"Mighty Cross - Elevation Worship"
"Jesus Paid It All - Kim Walker Smith"
*** Communion Time ***
John 10:10
2 Cor 10:3-5
Eph 6:12
Phil 4:8
2 Cor 2:11
James 4:7
1 Pet 5:8-9
Ps 23:4
Heb 10:23
Josh 1:8
Rom 10:8,17
1. Assumption & Presumption (what is the source of your position?
      Your thoughts/ideas or God's Words)
   Num 16:13
   1 Cor 10:12
   2 Cor 13:5
   Ex 12:13,21-23
   Mark 11:24
   John 8:31;15:7
   1 John 5:14-15
   Gen 39:9
   2 Cor 3:18
   2 Tim 1:12
2. Carelessness (not holding onto the Words of God)
   Num 13-14
   1 John 5:19
3. Ignorance
4. Laziness

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya