05/30 Couples with Pst Job & Nellie Simiyu “How To Steward Your Marriage”

"Goodness of God - Bethel"
Luke 19:12-27
James 1:17-21
John 10:10
Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

05/24 Zoom Church – “Living The Life Of An Overcomer”

"Shofar - Call to Worship"
Is 63:7
"We Give You Glory Lord" [Joshua on keyboards]
"For Your Glory - Matt Redmond"
"We Praise Your Name - Trent Cory"
"I Am Free - Newsboys"
"Wastahili Praise - Israel Ezekia"
"Goodness of God - Bethel"
"Glorified - Parachute Band"
2 Chron 7:14
1 John 5:4
Rev 2:7,11, 17;3;5,12
John 16:33,2,4,7,13-15
Col 2:4-5,8-10,15
"Overcomer - Mandisa"

Let the Little Children Come Unto Me…

05/22 Zoom with Pastor Job – “You Are Stronger Than The Enemy”

1 Pet 5:8
Ps 105:24
John 17:16
Acts 10:38
Ps 72:14
Heb 8:6
Ps 34:2
1 John 4:4;5:1,4
Eph 6:10-14
Jude 1:20
2 Tim 2:1
Heb 10:23
Ex 1:7
Ps 23:5
Jer 29:5
Matt 16:18
Ex 1:12,10
Ps 89:22
2 Tim 1:7
Is 53:5
Phil 4:13
Ps 105:24
2 Cor 5:7

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

05/21 Zoom with Pastor Simiyu – “God’s Plans for Us in Times Like These”

Ex 9:24-26
Ps 91:7
Acts 17:28
Ps 37:18-19
2 Cor 1:20
Phil 4:19
Job 5:19-27
Rom 16:20
Ps 1:1-3
Rom 8:1-4
Eph 5:26
Mark 11:13
Matt 21:19
Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

05/20 Bible Study (George)

**NEHEMIAH 9: 26-31**


1. When you read verses 26 – 31 what is the main attributes you find about

a] The *Children* of Israel

b] The *God* of Israel


2. In the above verses, just as in many other scriptures (especially the book of judges) we find a familiar pattern. The people sin- they become oppressed by their enemies-they cry to God- and the merciful God rescues them.

a) Why do you think people go back to their sins even when they know judgment is coming?

b) How can we break this cycle of sin in our lives.


3. According to verse 29, even when God testified against the people, the aim was always to bring them back to Him. How can we, as believers, partner with God to bring the prodigals home?


Rom 7:21-23;8:2
Gal 5:17
2 Cor 4:4
Ps 103:7
Rom 12:2
1 Pet 5:8
Matt 7:14
Gal 5:24-26
Jam 4:7
1 John 2:15-17
Rom 13:14
Gal 5:19-24
Matt 6:24
Rev 3:16
Rom 15:1
Matt 25:35-40

05/19 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

Dan 2:20
Ps 150
"Only You - Ada Ehi"
Acts 16:25
Ps 100:4
"Jesus You Are Able - Ada Ehi"
Mal 4:6
John 14:27
Jer 30:19

[apologies - technical difficulties interupted recording 
at end of this meeting]

05/18 Zoom Prayers (James)

1 Thes 5:17
Dan 2:20-21
Eph 1:17-20
1 John 3:2
"Who You Say I Am - Hillsong"
Is 40:29; 26:4
Ps 18:31

05/17 Zoom Church – Come Forth!

[Zoom problems world wide so limited ability to share music]
[Pastor & Catherine accompanied by Joshua on keyboard"
"Blessed Be the Name of the Lord"
"I Will Praise the Lord With My Whole Heart"
"There's No One Like Jesus/Hakuna wa kufanana na Yesu"
"You Are So Faithful"
"Hakuna Wa Kufanana Na Yesu"
"Ni Wewe Tu Bwana"

05/16 Zoom Prayers (Phine)

Ps 33:20
Rom 8:25
Mic 7:7
Rom 5:3-4
Ps 27:14
"While I'm Waiting - John Waller"
Is 40:31
Lam 3:25-26
Is 30:18
Ps 112:1-4
2 Cor 1:20
Matt 7:24-27
Is 54:13
1 Tim 2:1-2
Is 49:14-16
"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"