05/15 Zoom Prayers (Catherine)

Ps 34:18
Rev 1:4-6
Jude 1:24-25
"Doxology - Binion/Covenant Worship"
2 Sam 5:19-20
Is 28:21;46:10
Phil 1:6
Pro 21:31
Ps 20:7
1 Cor 15:57
2 Cor 2:14
Ps 18:2
Mic 2:13
Rom 16:20
Zeph 3:16-17
2 Cor 10:4-5;20:15
Ps 24:7-10
Is 45:3
Luke 1:45
Is 59:1

05/14 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

Ps 150:6
John 4:23-24
"What a Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship"
Ezek 22:30
Esther 4:13-16
Prov 9:10
Ps 111:10
Prov 1:7
Job 28:28
Phil 4:19
Ex 23:25
2 Chron 7:14
Zech 4:6

05/11 Zoom Prayers (James)

Matt 19:26
Rev 1:18
"Because He Lives/Amen - Matt Maher"
Ps 42:11
"Yahweh Yahweh Yahweh - Ronke Adesokan/Nathaniel Bassey"
Ps 57:1;121:1
2 Kings 2:1-9
Luke 21:28

05/10 Zoom Church “Lessons from the Alabaster Box”

"Bless the Lord Oh My Soul"
"Unastahili Kuabudiwa"
Ps 111:1-6
"Sing For Joy - Don Moen"
"This Is Amazing Grace - Phil Wickham"
"The Lord Reigns - CFNI"
"Jesus You Are Able - Ada"
Ps 47:1-6
Luke 7:36-50;19:2-10
2 Cor 2:15
Matt 26:7-9
John 12:2-5
Mark 14:3-5
John 4:5-30
Luke 18:9-14

05/09 Charis Murugi Kiburi Baby Shower

05/08 Zoom Prayers (Leah)

Ps 72:19;150:6
Is 59:1-2
1 John 1:8-9
"Usikiaye Maombi - Kathy Praise"
Num 21:4-9
"NARA EKELE MO - Tim Godfrey ft Travis Greene - What Shall I Render to Jehovah"
Rom 8:38-39
Ps 136:1-26;84:5-7;53:2
1 Pet 2:9
John 14:1-2;6:37

05/07 Zoom Prayers (Pst Patrick)

Ps 89:1-2,5-8
"Sing For Joy - Don Moen"
Gen 35:16-19
1 Chron 4:10
1 Sam 4:21
Mal 3:6
Heb 13:8
Is 6:1
Gen 3:9
Ps 57:1;91:1-16

05/06 Bible Study – Neh 9:18-21 – w/Pastor Patrick

"Jesus - Chris Tomlin"

**NEHEMIAH* *9**

Read verse 18 – 21


1. The children of Israel provoked God many times in the wilderness, yet God dealt mercifully with them. List at least 6 things God did for them as captured by the verses above. _____________


2. Imagine a very big population in a barren wilderness that lacked nothing. Imagine their clothes didn’t get torn nor their feet swell for a full 40 years. Do you think we should *expect* to live a life of daily miraculous provision like that today? Explain your answer ___________

*APPLICATION*[What I will Do]

3. Imagine you are confronted by some of your friends. They have read these passages of how God dealt mercifully with the children of Israel. They cannot understand the suffering and death all around due to COVID-19. They are wondering whether God changed. What do you tell them? _____

Ps 103:10;145:8
1 Cor 4:7
Rom 11:36
Ps 24:1
Jam 1:17
Matt 7:11
Rom 8:32
Jer 9:24
Mal 3:6
Heb 13:8
Rom 8:28
Ecc 3:11
Pro 3:5-6

05/05 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

Deut 10:21;29:18
"No Other God - Nathaniel Bassey & Lovesong"
Luke 11:1-2;15:11-32
Matt 4:4
Jer 29:11
Is 54:17
Ps 28:7
Hab 3:19
Jer 23:1-2
Is 2:2-3
Ps 67:1-2
Dan 9:4-19
Is 60:1-3
Jer 50:6
3 John 1:2
Jam 5:13-18
John 14:27
Phil 4:7
Is 53:5

05/04 Zoom Prayers (Catherine)


Ps 34:1-7
Prov 18:10
Ezek 37:1-14
Rom 4:17
Jer 1:11-12,23:29
Is 61:3,7
Joel 2:28
Is 49:18;65:23
Pro 22:6
John 14:12-14