05/03 Zoom Church “Parable of the Talents”

"Yes You Are the Lord" a capella
Ps 148:1-14
"Amen It Is So - Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir"
"Hallelujah Eh - Nathaniel Bassey"
"We Have Overcome - Israel Houghton"
"Unstoppable God - Elevation Worship"
"I Stand Amazed - Sinach"
"Healer - Hillsong"
"The Anthem - Planetshakers"
Matt 25:14-30
Is 55:11
Luke 16:8
Rom 3:23
1 Cor 4:7
John 3:27
Rom 11:36
1 Chron 29:11-14
1 Cor 12:4-7
1 Kings 17:10-15,19:4
Gen 25:34
Luke 19:40
1 Sam 8:5
Matt 13:10-16
Jam 2:17
Rev 14:13


05/02 Zoom Prayers (Albert)

Job 19:25-27
Ps 107:2 
Ezek 37:4,9,14
Jer 22:29
Job 22:28
Ps 70:1-5
Is 54:17
2 Cor 10:4-5
Ps 23:5-6,20:1-9
----- In Memory of Auntie Irene -----
2 Cor 1:3-4
Heb 12:1
Ps 116:15
Rev 14:13
2 Cor 5:6-8


05/01 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

"Glorious God - Elijah Oyelade"
Ps 105:1-2,106:1-2
Rev 2:4-5
Is 1:2
John 3:16
Josh 1:8
1 Chron 12:32
Hagg 2:6-9
Rom 13:1
James 5:13-15
Prov 9:10
Hagg 2:21-22
Ps 33:10-12



04/30 Zoom Prayers (Catherine)

Ps 46:1-11;18:1-3
"Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus"
Is 40:29-31
Prov 3:5-6
Eph 3:16-17
Luke 24:49
Acts 2:1-4;10:38
Matt 9:36-38

04/29 Bible Study – Grace vs Mercy w/Pastor Patrick

"Grace Wins - Matthew West"

*NEHEMIAH* *9:16-17*


Nehemiah chapter 9 has the same theme running through it, namely Israel’s rebellion vs God’s faithfulness. Verse 17 specifically mentions God’s *Grace* and His **Mercy* which are very misunderstood concepts today. We will spend time to learn, discover these two concepts today!

*EXPLANATION**[What i Think]

1. In your own Words, explain the difference between Grace and Mercy and give an example of each from the Bible.


*Example* ________________________________

*Mercy* __________________________________

*Example* ________________________________

2. How can you tell that God’s Grace is really in operation in someone’s life- i.e. What is the evidence of God’s Grace in someone’s life? _____________________________

*APPLICATION*[ What’s Next]

3. What’s your take away today? ___________________________

Eph 2:8-9
John 1:14
2 Cor 13:13
Luke 18:13
Rom 5:8
2 Sam 9:1,7
1 Kings 1:13-51
2 Sam 12:13
Mark 10:46-47
1 John 3:17-18
Gal 2:9
Ps 16:2
1 Cor 15:10
Titus 2:11-12
Matt 7:16-17

04/28 Zoom Prayers (George)

Ps 103:1-2;28:7;34:1;37:4
"Victory Belongs to Jesus - Todd Dulaney"
John 14:16-18;16:13-15
Rom 8:11
"Holy Spirit - Francesca Battistelli"
Heb 4:12
Deut 28:1-14
Ps 103:13
Matt 7:11
"You're a Good, Good Father - Chris Tomlin"
Ps 127:3
Is 54:13
Jer 29:11

04/27 Zoom Prayers & Testimonies (Pst Tony & Catherine)

Is 63:7
1 Kings 18:44
Gen 50:20
Ps 122:1
Rom 11:36
1 Kings 19:4;17:1-16

04/26 Zoom Church & Conference with Pastor Job Simiyu “The Power and The Role of Your Mind” part 3

"Jehovah Is Your Name" & "Reign Jesus Reign" 
       Joshua on keyboards
Heb 13:15
"Every Praise - Hezekiah Walker"
"Endless Praise - Planetshakers"
"Take All The Praise - Eben"
"In Christ Alone/The Solid Rock - Travis Cottrell"
"Wonderful Merciful Savior - Selah"
"How Deep The Father's Love For Us - Selah"
-- Winning Our Warfare --

Rom 1:8,26,28,32
2 Cor 10:3-6
Eph 1:18
Gen 6:5; 7:5
1 Kings 17:8-15
Matt 16:24
Rom 1:22-23
Is 40:31
Matt 16:18
Luke 1:13,18,20,26-27
2 Cor 10:5
Luke 1:34
1 Kings 17:24
Dan 10:13
Ex 3:11,19; 5:20-21
Num 12:1
Rom 1:17; 12:1-2
Ps 91:1
1 John 1:7
James 1:2
Neh 8:10
Heb 11:24
Esth 4:13-16
Ruth 1:16-17
Prov 3:5-6

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/25 Zoom Conference with Pastor Job Simiyu “The Power and The Role of Your Mind” part 2

"Wide As The Sky - Matt Redmond"
-- Challenging Your Thoughts --
Eph 1:17-18
Matt 6:25
John 8:32
2 Cor 10:3-5
Eph 1:6
Ps 119:130
2 Cor 4:3-4
Neh 8:10
Mark 4:24
Ps 119:105
Josh 1:8
Deut 30:14
Rom 10:8
Prov 16:3
Heb 12:11;11:11-12

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/24 Zoom Conference with Pastor Job Simiyu “Laying a Fresh Foundation” part 2 & “The Power and The Role of Your Mind” part 1

Ps 113:1-9
"Glorious God - Elijah Oyelade"
"We Give You Glory Lord" a Capella
Matt 7:24
Gen 3:14,19
2 Cor 5:17
Matt 22:37
1 Pet 1:6-7
Matt 4:4,7,10
Mark 4:24
Matt 13:4-8,19-23
Gen 11:6
Col 1:9-12
2 Cor 10:3-5

Your mind can shut the door on belief,reality
Stronghold = massive amount of thoughts built like a house
  in someone's mind (about 40:30)

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya