04/23 Zoom Conference “Laying A Fresh Foundation” Pastor Job Simiyu

Ps 100:1-2
Ps 103:1-4
"Fadhili Zake Ni Za Milele ยท Reuben Kigame Na Sifa Voices
Matt 3:16;4:4
John 1:1-4
Ps 127:1-2
Luke 6:46-49
John 10:10
2 Cor 4:4
Luke 4:6
Rom 6:16
Ps 14:1
Heb 4:12
Gen 1:31
Matt 3:17
Mark 4:24-26,14-20

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/22 Bible Study (Rosemary)

"Resurrecting - Elevation"
*NEHEMIAH* 9: 1-15
Read verse 1-3
1. According to verse 1-3, the children of Israel 
assembled together on the 24th day with Prayer and Fasting. 
Name 3 specific things they did on that day
a) ____________________
b) ____________________
c) ____________________

Read verse 4-15
*EXPLANATION* [ What I Think ]
2. The Levites recounted many great and awesome deeds 
that God had done for Israel. To name a few, He have 
them the land of Canaan, He parted the Red Sea for 
them and made a covenant with them at Sinai.
a) Why do you think God requires us to pray yet He 
   already knows what we need? ________
b) We read that the people gathered together to pray 
   and fast. Why is praying or worshipping together with
   others important? ___________________________________

*APPLICATION*[Why it Matters]
3. What is your take away today? __________

Jam 4:6
Matt 7:11
Jam 4:2


04/21 Zoom Prayers (Leah)

1 Tim 1:17
"We Give You Glory Lord - Kaleho"
Ps 40:1-2
"Jesus You Are Able - Ada"
Ps 40:3
Is 43:1-3

04/20 Zoom Prayers (Catherine)

Ps 100:1-5
Josh 3:1-17
EX 14:15-16
Rev 1:6
Ps 32:8-9
Is 55:8-9
Ps 25:4-5
Is 42:16
Num 9:15-22
Is 52:12
2 Chron 7:14
Joel 2:25-29

04/19 ECC Zoom Church Service – God Is Our Source

"Tunakuabudu Bwana - Don Em"
Ps 117:1-2
"You You Are God - Gateway Worship"
"Nothing Is Impossible - PlanetShakers"
(Joel Njau)
Josh 6:1
"Turn It Up - PlanetShakers"
"When I Think About the Lord - Hillsong"
"I Call You Faithful - Joni Lamb & Daystar Singers"
"There Is a Sweet Anointing - Martha Munizzi"
Prayer & Welcome
Matt 6:26-34
Ex 33:12-15
Rom 10:17
Jam 1:17
1 Cor 8:6
Phil 4:19
Ps 139:1-5
Eph 3:20-21
Is 55:11
(testimony & greetings)
Gen 15:1
2 Chron 20:20
Eph 1:17-20
Announcements - Joe Wang'ang'a

04/18 “The Ingredients of Effective Prayer For An Apostolic Kingdom Work” – Pastor Job Simiyu

"Elohim - MOGMusic"
Intro by Pastor Tony
Matt 13:52
Rev 3:20
Matt 28:19-20
Acts 1:14
Pro 13:10
Mark 11:25
Luke 17:1
1 Pet 2:24
John 15:3,7
Matt 16:16-17
Gen 4:5
1 John 3:12
Matt 15:18
2 Cor 11:2-3
Jude 1:11,4

Pastor Job Khaemba Simiyu, Senior Pastor 
from Fountain of Wisdom Chapel, Kenya

04/17 Zoom Prayers (Fridah)

Prov 8:17
Ps 66:4, 99:9
Rev 4:10
Ex 23:25-26
Jer 30:19
"You Are Great - Steve Crown"
Jer 30:17
Is 38:16-17
John 11:17-22
Rev 9:20-21
Ezek 22:30

04/16 Zoom Prayers (Kimotho)

(sound & technical difficulties during recording)
Ps 102:17-20
Rom 13:11
Act 10:22-44
Job 22:28
Ps 102:28
2 Tim 1:5
John 16:33
Ps 126:6
Ps 30:5
Neh 4:14
"The Blessing - Kari Jobe/Cody Carnes"
Is 26:3

04/15 Bible Study (Catherine)

Num 6:24-27
"The Blessing - Karie Jobe/Cody Carnes"

*NEHEMIAH* 8:13 -18

Read verse 13-15

[What I See]

1. Use verse 13-15 to assign *True* or *False* to the following statements,

a] The Leaders gathered on the second day to continue learning the Law of God from *Ezra* ________

b] Celebrating the feast of booths was not really required, but *Ezra* made a big deal out of it _______________

c] The booths they made were branches of fresh trees like Olives trees, Palm trees and Oil trees __________

Lev 23:33-43
Joshua 1:8
Lev 23:1-4, 9-14
1 Cor 15:20
1 Thes 4:16

Read verse 16-18

[ What I Think]

2. The Feast of Booths (also called the feast of Tabernacles) was celebrated to remind the Children of Israel how their forefathers dwelt in Tents/Booths in the Wilderness Years.
Name a few other feasts described in the Bible and their significance

[ What I will Do]

3. What’s your takeaway today? ______________________________

04/14 Zoom Prayers (Pst Patrick Kariuki)

"To Worship You I live - Israel & New Breed"
Ps 143:1-12
1 Kings 1:50-51,53
Gen 38:27-30
1 Tim 2:1-2
2 Sam 5:20
1 Chron 14:11